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This unique manual presents cognitive-behavioral social skills training (CBSST), a step-by-step, empirically supported intervention that helps clients with schizophrenia achieve recovery goals related to living, learning, working, and socializing. CBSST interweaves three evidence-based practices–cognitive-behavioral therapy, social skills training, and problem-solving training–and can be delivered in individual or group contexts. Highly user friendly, the manual includes provider scripts, teaching tools, and engaging exercises and activities. Reproducible consumer workbooks for each module include skills summaries and worksheets. The large-size format facilitates photocopying; purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.

Listed in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices

“This book represents a milestone in the accelerating efforts to design and empirically validate new treatments that will enable persons with schizophrenia to recover and live without the stigma of psychotic symptoms and disability. Medications, while important in the treatment of symptoms, have never taught anyone anything. The work of Granholm and his colleagues is unique in providing step-by-step methods for implementing, monitoring, and evaluating CBSST to improve the community functioning of persons with schizophrenia. This is a long-awaited ‘must read’ for practitioners in psychology, social work, and psychiatry.”–Robert Paul Liberman, MD, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine

“An invaluable manual for clinicians and agencies seeking to improve the functional outcomes of consumers living with schizophrenia. The authors provide all the resources that clinicians need to implement this innovative treatment approach. CBSST teaches consumers new cognitive, behavioral, social, and problem-solving skills–all focused on achieving their recovery goals.”–Michael G. McDonell, PhD, Director, Behavioral Health Innovations, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University

“Social impairments and cognitive deficits present major barriers toward better outcome in schizophrenia, and are not adequately addressed by existing treatments. The publication of this book marks a defining moment and a turning point. Building on two decades of rigorous research and evidence-based practice, Granholm and associates have developed a user-friendly yet comprehensive psychosocial intervention that, for the first time, combines several most effective behavioral treatments for schizophrenia. CBSST is a clear, logical choice for rehabilitation. Offering both a practical manual for conducting CBSST and a synthesis of the scientific literature, this book, I hope, will result in the treatment becoming more widely available to clients.”–Sohee Park, PhD, Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor, Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt University

“A fantastic resource for new clinicians and trainees as well as seasoned practitioners. This engaging, well-structured volume effectively lays out the impressive research supporting CBSST while beautifully describing the nuts-and-bolts components of treatment. It also elucidates the theoretical and empirical background of both cognitive-behavioral therapy and social skills training for schizophrenia. As we in the field work to increase access to user-friendly, empirically supported interventions for persons with schizophrenia and psychosis, this book contributes invaluably to that cause.”–Jennifer D. Gottlieb, PhD, Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Departments of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Occupational Therapy, Boston University


Frequently bought with How to Analyze People with Dark Psychology: 3 Books in 1: Dark Psychology and Manipulation, How to Read People Like a Book and Psychological Warfare. Understanding Human Behavior for a Better Life

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